
斯科特商学院有很多学生组织. These organizations provide a rich set of experiences and friends that enhance the classroom education. 在组织内部, 商科学生可以学习社交技巧, 结识成功校友, 听听高管们谈论他们的领域, 进行公司实地考察, 问问题. 刚通过课程的学生可以提供建议. Here are many opportunities to develop leadership skills as officers of these organizations.


Alpha Kappa PsiAlpha Kappa Psi

Alpha Kappa Psi的主要重点是提供领导力发展, personal and professional training and the fundamental ingredient higher education misses—experience. 通过澳门合法赌场官网发展, 教育项目, 社区服务和正规教育的实际应用, Alpha Kappa Psi 学生 use the business skills they are taught in the classroom to acquire life skills such as the art of compromise, 建立共识, 项目管理, 团队建设和网络. Mu Omicron是国际州立大学的Alpha Kappa Psi分会.
顾问: 阿什利门外汉 or 812-237-2002



美国营销协会是北美最大的营销协会. It is a professional association for individuals and organizations involved in the practice, 全球市场营销的教学和研究. 它也是营销人员每天获取信息/资源的来源, 教育/培训和澳门合法赌场官网网络. AMA会员拥有一个由近40名经验丰富的营销人员组成的网络,包括领先的市场营销学者, 来自各行各业的研究人员和实践者.
顾问: Sandeep Bhowmick 812-237-3365 or 瑞奇Fergurson 812-237-2116


The Association for Supply Chain 管理 (previously APICS - Association for Operations 管理) is the global leader and premier source of the body of knowledge in operations management, 包括生产, 库存, 供应链, 物料管理, 采购, 和物流. 自1957年以来, 个人和公司都依赖ASCM提供的优质培训, 国际认可的认证, 全面的资源, 以及一个由有成就的行业澳门合法赌场官网人士组成的全球网络. The 澳门合法赌场官网 student ASCM chapter is sponsored by the Central Indiana ASCM Chapter in Indianapolis. 会员资格免费 & 对任何感兴趣的学生开放. 学生 have the opportunity to work with Central Indiana ASCM members in both professional and social situations.
顾问: 保罗Schikora or 812-237-2063



在学院级别提供领导, 澳门合法赌场官网学习, 以及在当地建立人脉的机会, 澳门赌场玩法官网, 国家层面. In addition, members have opportunities to socialize with other business 学生 和老师. Membership is open to IDEC and BE majors as well as to majors in other program areas in the College of Business. 会员资格为商科澳门合法赌场官网学生的职业准备提供了一个重要的维度.
顾问: 812-237-2086


A professional fraternity organized to foster the study of business in universities; to 鼓励 奖学金, social activity and the association of 学生 for their mutual advancement by research and practice; to promote closer affiliation between the commercial world and 学生 of commerce, and to further a higher standard of commercial ethics and culture and the civic and commercial welfare of the community. Delta Tau是Sigma的澳门合法赌场官网分会,并被特许成立 1959年10月10日.
顾问: 马特•科恩 or 812-237-2009



你想发展你的创业思维吗? 学习如何发展你的个人品牌? The 企业家俱乐部 provides the opportunity to learn how to think innovatively and creatively and to develop a problem-solving mind-set. 加入这个俱乐部的好处包括与当地企业家建立联系, 学习创业的细节, 培养解决问题的能力, 学习如何成为一个负责任的公民. 如有兴趣,请随时联系 多米尼克·维拉.
顾问: 一边抚摸钱德拉 or 812-237-2087




在发展和传播金融决策知识方面处于全球领先地位. FMA的成员包括来自世界各地的学者和从业人员. FMA扩大了学者和从业者之间的共同利益, 为学者之间的澳门合法赌场官网互动提供机会, 从业人员和学生. 以及, promoting the development and understanding of basic and applied research and of sound 金融 practices and enhancing the quality of education in finance.

平安险 -财务规划协会财务策划协会

财务规划协会®(平安险®)是美国最大的个人理财专家会员组织.S. 包括各种背景和商业模式的澳门合法赌场官网人士. 学生章节提供了一种帮助学生了解更多澳门合法赌场官网知识的方法, 培养领导能力, 与财务规划澳门合法赌场官网人士建立联系, 学生, 和老师. 平安险 membership is a valuable resource for any student interested in becoming a Certified Financial Planner™. 会员资格对商学院学生开放.

Iota SigmaIota Sigma

这种友爱的目的是促进, 鼓励, 保持学生对保险的兴趣, 风险管理, 金融 services and actuarial science as professions; to 鼓励 the high moral and scholastic attainments of its members; and to facilitate interaction of educational institutions and industry through networking and by fostering research activities, 奖学金, 改善公共关系. Alpha Epsilon is Indiana State's chapter of Iota Sigma and was chartered in February 1990.
顾问: 金公园



The 澳门合法赌场官网 投资俱乐部 was established in March of 2000 when James Oelschlager donated $50,向澳门合法赌场官网捐赠了1万美元,用于成立一个投资俱乐部. 这个俱乐部的目的是教学生有关股票市场的知识.
顾问: Tarek查希尔 or 马特•科恩

The 投资俱乐部 meets on Wednesday's at 5:00pm in the 米纳斯市投资中心 and 金融教育 (Federal Hall, 123房间)



一个研究生组织,赞助澳门合法赌场官网, social and recreational events to promote increased student involvement and inspire a sense of community. 工商管理硕士A代表所有工商管理硕士学生和校友.

顾问: 阿什利门外汉 or 812-237-2002





商界女性 is a student organization dedicated to promoting the success of women pursuing careers in business while at 澳门合法赌场官网. Our mission is to provide support and guidance to our future business leaders through mentorship and experiences. Possible opportunities include; internships, 工作岗位,澳门合法赌场官网网络的成长, 奖学金,领导经验,行业澳门合法赌场官网演讲者和更多!
顾问: 麦迪逊马歇尔 or 812-237-4585


α Psiα Psi

全国会计学术荣誉联谊会, 金融, 信息系统澳门合法赌场官网人员. 全年, they host professional presentations and participate in a variety of social and service activities. Corporate recruiters realize the significance and benefit of α Psi and pursue active members for employment opportunities.
顾问: 约瑟夫•桑德斯 or 812-237-2015


The honor society serving business programs accredited by AACSB 国际 - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Membership in Sigma is the highest recognition a business student anywhere in the world can receive in a business program accredited by AACSB 国际.
顾问: 大卫·弗莱明 或812-237-2086或812-237-3365


The mission of the IRM Honor Corps is to recognize outstanding academic achievement by 保险及风险管理 majors and minors; to mentor outstanding 保险及风险管理 majors and minors and to enhance the connectivity between Insurance, 风险管理, and Financial 服务 professionals and outstanding ISU 保险及风险管理 majors and minors.
顾问: 金公园


根据斯科特商学院章程, student representation is needed on a number of standing committees of the business faculty. Serving a one-year term as a representative is an excellent way for you to provide the student viewpoint for College policy and operating decisions, 与教师和管理人员建立联系, 并向未来的雇主展示你的参与. 学生成员享有委员会的所有特权和义务, 包括提出动议和附议动议的权利, 但是排除了投票的特权.

空缺职位列表如下所示. Applicants will be reviewed by relevant committees before being selected by the 学生事务 Committee.

  • Curricular and 学术事务 Committee (CAAC): one 斯科特商学院 undergraduate major
  • 研究生委员会(GC):一名斯科特商学院的研究生
  • 学生事务委员会(SAC):斯科特商学院澳门合法赌场官网一名
  • 技术 and 图书馆 顾问y Committee (TLAC): one undergraduate/graduate business student
  • Instructional and Professional Development Committee (IPD): one 斯科特商学院 major


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